I woke up yesterday to find a restored energy within my own brain. It’s not that I’ve been a total slug lately, but MOOvember is such a long month of sacrifice… as many friends do their part for prostate cancer, I couldn't grow a 'stache if I tried... so it's perfect timing that MOOvember is always the month I slow down, reflect on seasons past, do less, plan for the season ahead, and try to gain a few fatty lbs.
(This MOOvemeber- that was all so much easier than I remember it being!! Just this morning, I found my bum!)
When I woke up yesterday it was still dark, but I had fallen asleep reading the newest medical journal notes (ubergeek alert!) and the light from my bedside table was reflecting off my Timberman finisher’s medal across my room. I felt 15 again… somehow, the excitement of what I’ve accomplished, where I am now and what’s to come got all tangled together…. I woke up completely drunk off possibility!
The upcoming season (which started today!) is certainly going to be much different from last. It’s like me to switch it up, I get bored when life becomes too routine. I’m going to hold strong to my self belief, because this year I am out on my own. A self sponsored, self-coached wanna-be faster triathlete – hoping to add 3 HIM medals to her wall of fame, crossing 1 more off the Bucket List. The new business has given me the ability to work from home, to travel when I want, to be more involved in Dylan’s school, to get my little foundation off the ground and actually start making a difference in this tri-world. Hence, the toughest decision was made, and I’ll no longer be racing in my red & black… I’m teamless this season. I’m not at all hopeless, I’m just being my own person, with the freedom to fight the battles that matter most to me.
One can’t stand on the sidelines forever, at one point F being the cheerleader, get out there & fight…
So what do I need to change for 2011? Now that MOOvemeber is almost over I’ve certainly had more than enough days to pull out the training journal of seasons past, find my mistakes so I can attempt to correct them. Here is my long plan put rather shortly & free of detail (This is not Dave Scott type stuff, certainly my training plans are not good enough to be secret…):
SWIM: My swim is good for someone who just 1 year ago learned to swim. But it still sucks. 35 minutes in Timber was a lot of fun, but really, not a pace I want to ‘maintain’. I need to hurt in the water. I need to be pushed beyond the threshold. To do that, I joined the toughest Masters Swim Club within driving distance. They are nice people. They smiled and welcomed me into lane 5, then proceed to kick my triathlete butt with a series of painful and vomit inducing IM’s. That was Wednesday. I still can’t do a proper shoulder press. YAHOO! Out of my comfort zone, Ouch already!
BIKE: My bike doesn’t suck for lack of motivation. I love riding my bike and volunteer myself to +10hrs a week on it. That’s my problem. My bike rides become very similar to marathon training. I have so much fun out there, I start looking at the scenery, singing songs in my head. Smiling and laughing all the way through a 5 hr ride. Not what serious riders do, certainly not representing the Rules of the Euro Cyclist at all. I look too fit & my kit matches & my bike is white & spotless- I must put myself under more strenuous regulations this season. I’m also upgrading to a more serious, faster all carbon model this spring, with some deep rim carbon wheels… I’d better start getting fast, or I’ll be a stereotype by June.
Run: There’s not much I can say about my run. I ran all of Timber, I didn’t stop didn’t crawl didn’t walk. I negative split a rather not too impressive half marathon. I used to be a serious runner. A fast, always injured, always in pain with something torn runner. So leading into my first HIM this June, I am 110% focused on not being injured. I am recovering like a pro: Sleeping, drinking my Immunocal Platinum (this is not promotion, this is MY blog. Yes I rep the company- because the stuff works, just try it!) I take my Omega’s & get my sleep & eat gluten-free & am signed up to do my Bikram yoga all winter. I will continue to chase that 1:34 half for another year.
Life & Work:In 2010 I got 3 people running. Somehow, the little blog & the little life got 3 newbie’s out running. I hope to repeat again in 2011. I have right now the ability & the tools to help those who are sick, those who are very old, those who are young & should be fresh like me: I have made my life about helping others, and I have made sure this blog follows that same path. The big blue head is coming around, although the details and ‘legalities’ still have to be sorted, it will be used to buy an underprivileged little girl a bike, so she too may tri this season. The proceeds will come out of all sales associated to triathlon: let a few, hopefully many, help give back. If you trust me, and you want to take your recovery to the next level, know that you will gain faster times, a much healthier body, and you will have played a part. With a good plan and some active execution- we can all make a difference!!
Live your PB, & Train safe!!
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