Sunday, November 21, 2010

Follow Me! Follow Me!

Lately I asked all my friends, and their friends, and anyone who has even just 1 friend, to follow this blog. I must thank those who took the time to click the blue follow box on the right of the screen- it’s neither my ego nor my belief that my writing holds any importance. It’s my way of simply making a point.

In the many tragic, and many beautiful things revolving around this sport- the brilliance of it will always be obvious in how anybody, with some determination, some spare time, & a dream- can make impossible into possible. Humans are freaks, with incredible mental & physical abilities. Chrissie just went 8:36 in AZ today- we can all achieve our best when we want, how we want. We can all be bigger & better than we ever imagined. This sport reminds us all, daily, that we all have that choice. I’ve made beautiful friends through this sport; I’ve been inspired to achieve greatness and also been kicked out on my ass. I’ve been happier than happy, and been so disappointed in myself I've made myself cry. I’ve lined up with fast woman, slow woman, skinny mini & big old strong women. I’ve been passed by a man with 1 leg, I’ve been humbled by a 6yr old with not one to stand on.

I came onto this blog site, made it my own, and created a little space on the www that feels like home to me. I’ve asked you all to follow, to perhaps enjoy, perhaps be a tidbit inspired…. Because there are many, too MANY, who still don’t quite understand the beauty of this sport. That it really brings people of all abilities and walks of life together. Triathlon is young, yet still we have come a long way from the original 15 men who lined up for the first Ironman in 1978. Our races, of all distances, sell out way to early in advance. We have corporate America supporting us; our most recent World Champ will be the newest face on the famous Wheaties box. We have our own bike, our own wheels, our own wars and our own race in the Olympics. The sport of triathlon is not rich in history, but it’s rich in community, it’s rich in opinions, and its filthy rich if you’re the WTC.

So, you must be wondering, if this sport is so fantastic, so bloody brilliant and so mainstream- why is one mom / wanna-be faster triathlete all of a sudden on a mission to get strangers following her blog??

Because, if anyone else has noticed, over the past year a very famous website has featured several pro / AGer blogs. They are informative, sometimes funny, void of emotion but none the less entertaining to read. THEY ARE ALL WRITTEN BY RUNNERS! When one of the biggest media & event names in our sport cannot, with it’s endless budget and very long list of contacts, show enough love to our sport to find 1 blogger…. Well, I’m on a mission to prove not that triathlon has history (Molina!) or that they are good people (Crowie!) or that they have something intelligent to say (Chrissie!) or that they are funny (IM TALK) no no no, I’m simply trying to prove that we can, as well as any ol’ runner- write.

Happy readings, & to my followers now & those to come- THANK YOU. You each inspire me every day, to be more of the Super Star Dylan already believes me to be! I heart you all!

Live your PB! Train safe, the basement can be a wild place!