Yet, the past few weeks have been a whirlwind here in Jules' World. Big BIG changes have taken place, meaning even bigger decisions have been made, which means through all the swimming & biking & running & raising an Iron-kid- well, the sands have suddenly started to fall much faster. "Take a moment to think about it." Sure, I'd love to, if you could give me a moment to spare.
If you're like me, then most of your major life altering decisions are taken when out training. The constant cadence, the rhythmic breathing, the time to focus, spent in His glory just thankful to have strong, able legs- there really are not many problems that cannot be solved during a sweaty, long run.
A brutal swim also works well when you need time to ponder.
And that's how it happened. In an 8 X 25m set of pulling; a pull buoy between my thighs and a 170lbs lean & mean duathlete champion holding onto my ankles. I went from feeling like a human tug-boat, to being empowered and inspired by my own abilities. And in the midst of all my tugging & dying & really not moving through the water very fast- my life was changed, and my very life changing decisions were made.
Here is what my swim coach not-knowingly taught me: that when people try to slow you down/ hold you back/ stop you from moving forward in life- DIG. Push harder. Reach father and deeper and be tougher than ever before. Find your superpowers!! Do not ever let anyone, not even ankle holding swimmers, prevent you from using all your awesomeness to achieve your goals.
If it matters to you, it matters. If it's a goal you have set, go get it.
The sands in the hour glass fall quickly, my friends. This much, I know now, is true. Don't settle for being the tug-boat of someone else's negativity. Don't ease up your pace so someone can catch up to you.... Run solid & steady and let them draft, but don't ever let them slow you down. I've made my BIG decisions, and life is already different than it was last week. And what many think is crazy is really just me- with my eye on finish line of my many, many little goals- paving my uncharted path yellow brick by yellow brick.
Train safe my friends, & continue to be the Most Awesome!