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Truth is, most of us can reflect and discover the same 'training' problems arise every year when we are stressed out: colds, sometimes turning into the flu, pains in the groin, in your back, knee pains that all go unexplained. Training is slowing, or stopped, and showing no real signs of progress. Motivation is going through the floor? WTH? An exaggeration?
Maybe: but some of you have certainly gone through the whole range several times a year.... So what's up? To always feel great as an athlete on the edge of your limit to performance is quite tricky. It means a balancing act where you can easily lose your balance. Overstep or misstep.... it's gone.
We have all been told to each lots of carbs, and protein on a 4-1 ratio. Counting calories is one thing, but the distribution of energy that happens in the metabolic processes is not regulated by the intake of calories but by a number of regulatory processes.
Sport is often pure stress merely due to the effort of training. The body demands an optimal biological stress response. Who performs to peak is mearly the athlete whose stress response is best optimized. An immune system and a nervous system as well as hormones at the peak of performance; that is perfect regulation. That means that each system itself works optimally and the cooperation between them, too. Meaning that the immune system is not only a protection system you might need when you are old, but a regulatory system that plays an important role in your life NOW. The immune system is activated within the first minute of stress, and releases all the cellular defenses needed for equal distribution of energy within the body. The healing process takes priority over the performance 'go fast now' process, that is why a slight cold can require so much energy, leaving you tired, moody, and weak, and suddenly injured.
Your immune system will determine much about your training, racing, and everyday living. Do not think it's just for old sick people. We all have one, and when we are pushing our bodies and trying to become stronger, better, faster, longer is when we MUST optimize it- so that it can work to optimize us! If you are training for a race, hitting the gym daily, or chasing the kids around the park- you need your immune system working for you.
You can read more here see blog 2010_12_05 in the archives on the right, and check out my website for the best, proven all natural immune optimizing proteins available.
Train safe & enjoy, as spring has sprung!!

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